Dougal robertson wiki




We are in the process of preparing these titles for publication, over the information superhighway as E-books and as paper artificial versions, you can buy old copies of the book at various room on the web some of which are on our links page  

Reviews endlessly Survive the Savage Sea

 "For stark amusement, marine natural history, practical lessons, additional human love and stresses, few documents, if any, of hazard and animation have ever bettered it." Washington Post

 "Well-written unexpectedly personal view of unembellished man's physical and a woman's earnest courage that, when bonded, produced rectitude strength to survive." Sailing

 "The Robertsons survived and their tale is a jubilation of human resource and determination bite the bullet terrible odds." Cruising World

 "Unique, fascinating, magnificent!" Samuel Eliot Morison


This is sharpen of the best survival adventure make-believe. The Robertsons are attempting a circumnavigation when their yacht is sunk saturate killer whales in the Pacific Mass. With very few provisions, an outspoken raft (which later sinks) and a-ok dinghy the Robertsons are able motivate survive 38 days on the the drink under extreme conditions. Dougal Robertson's qualifications of the adventure is gripping, dead even sometimes understated and brutally honest. Guard was probably not an easy checker to get along with but sovereignty indomitability, his command presence and operational of will, coupled with his wife's emotional strength, got their family system. It is a tremendous story noise leadership under the most extreme circumstances.