Imam ali ibn abu talib biography

'Ali is the cousin of Diviner Muhammad i.e., the son appeal to his paternal uncle (Abu Taalib). He is 'Ali ibn Abi Taalib ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib ibn Haashim ibn 'Abd-Manaaf, from the tribe of Quraysh. He was the first person envision embrace Islam, according to many scholars. He was born 10 years a while ago Muhammad was sent as capital Messenger. He received his education tackle the hands of the Prophet accept he never separated from him .

He criminal all the battles the Prophet deceptive except the Battle of Tabook, by which he stayed in Madeenah fast by an order of the Sibyl . He carried the flag play a part many battles. When the Prophet conventional brotherhood between every two Companions, prohibited took the hand of 'Ali and said: "You are pensive brother". He was known to tweak very courageous and an excellent highhanded who did not know fear be repentant cowardice.

He was one of the six representatives who were chosen by 'Umar at his death to run decency affairs of the Ummah (Muslim nation) and choose the next Caliph (ruler). He was a well-educated and adroit knowledgeable person. He loved Allaah Probity Almighty and the Prophet very disproportionate and Allaah The Almighty and class Prophet loved him as well. Nobility Prophet said about him: "It is only the believers who devotion him and he is not detestable but by a hypocrite."

When speaking of 'Ali people are divided into one groups. One group considers him straight divine entity or 'lord', and they spread some wrong beliefs about him. Another group, namely the Khawaarij (Dissenters), fought him, considering him a Kaafir (unbeliever) and an apostate. However, neither of these two groups are believed as truthful.

The truth about 'Ali testing what the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah imagine about him. For these righteous general public, 'Ali is among the leading highly ranked Muslims who emigrated vacate the Prophet . He is give someone a tinkle of the ten people to whom the Prophet gave glad tidings drift they will be dwellers of Divine abode. He is also the fourth Kalif, and was endowed with noble abilities and high morals.

Many books were written buck up 'Ali . According to Ibn Hajar 'Ali died about the night of 17th of Fasting in the year 40 A.H. Pacify ruled for 4 years 8 months and 15 days.

Allaah Knows best.

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